Read the “prologue” of this series to learn more about the value of comics in journalism.
The following sources were used in reporting for this article:
- For additional details about the solar company discussed in this article, find more about Calhoun County Solar on the Global Energy Monitor Wiki.
- To learn more about the community impacts of utility-scale solar, read Michigan State University graduate Jessica Crawford’s Master’s thesis, “Characterizing the Social Gap in Utility-Scale Solar Energy.”
- To learn more about the history and economic impacts of the solar development in Sheridan Township, as well as how the energy generated is used, read the previous edition of this series.
- Find more information about food insecurity in Albion from the Community Table of Albion’s website.
- For more details about SOLV Energy, find further information on their website.
- For more details about what a hunting stand or hunting blind it, find more information from Summit Outdoors’ blog.
Just fantastic storytelling. I’m so proud to be a Pleiad alum!
Your series and this Bridge Michigan piece on placing solar arrays on remediated land ( has me thinking: Could Albion try to work with solar companies to remediate its two Superfund sites in town for energy production? That’s dozens of acres of ugly, unused land that would surely benefit from solar, for aesthetic reasons and environmental reasons.