On Saturday, in the Dean Aquatic Center pool, the brothers and sisters of Albion College’s Greek Life performed their swim routines during Delta Gamma’s (DG) annual philanthropic event, Anchor Splash.
According to the Delta Gamma National website, the purpose of Anchor Splash is to raise money towards DG’s philanthropic endeavor, Service for Sight, which aims to help provide access and advocacy for people who are visually impaired.
The week before the final event, houses competed in themed events where their house could earn points. Points were earned from several activities like penny wars, take a picture with a DG, serenades, make a TikTok and “chuck a duck” where members of each house try to land a rubber duck in the middle of an inner tube. While doing themed days, each Greek house was assigned a group of DG members to coach them in their pool routines in preparation for the final event.
This year’s Anchor Splash theme was “Iconic Women in Music,” with each house being assigned a female artist’s music to choreograph their final routine. The competition itself included three events before a final performance from each house. Events this year included an inner-tube race, a wet t-shirt race and a new cannonball contest.
DG sister and Anchor Splash committee member Ava McChesney, Ortonville sophomore, helped plan and set up events throughout the week.
“I helped all week by organizing anchor games and counting house points,” McChesney said. “As a committee, we implemented a new anchor game, the cannonball competition.”

DSP brother and Dearborn junior Logan Sosnowski performed with his fellow brothers during DG’s final event.
“We all went in with lots of nerves, but came out absolutely killing everything we did,” Sosnowski said. “Events like Anchor Splash bring together the younger guys who haven’t yet experienced such an event, (helping) those brothers become engaged in something amazing that they were once foreign to.”

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