Window Broken in Lower Baldwin, Campus Safety Responds

A boarded-up window in the lower Baldwin dining hall. On Saturday morning, the window was broken in an incident described by Associate Director of Campus Safety Eddie Edwards as “horseplay” (Photo by Bonnie Lord).

A window in Lower Baldwin was broken on Saturday, according to Associate Director of Campus Safety Eddie Edwards.

“They made contact with the glass, and the glass ended up being broken,” Edwards said.

Campus Safety arrived on the scene promptly and began conducting an investigation, Edwards said. Albion’s Department of Public Safety also responded to the scene but left shortly after arriving.

“Once we kind of got a hold of what was going on, (Albion Public Safety) were no longer needed,” Edwards said.

The initial investigation consisted of reviewing camera footage and talking to student witnesses, Edwards said. He added that the incident involved a group of individuals who were “horseplaying around,” with no intent to destroy property.

The Pleiad reached out to a student witness on Feb. 26 and Feb. 27. They declined to comment on the record. The Pleiad reached out to another student witness on Feb. 27. They did not respond in time for publication.

From the exterior, wood panels cover a window at Baldwin Hall (Photo by Katherine Simpkins).

Edwards said some bystanders were “minorly injured” when the window broke, but no one required hospitalization.

“We made sure everybody was okay,” Edwards said. “If anybody needed EMS, they would’ve been notified.”

Edwards said safety and accountability are Campus Safety’s main concerns in this investigation.

“If there’s a person or a group or what have you, we’re gonna hold them accountable,” Edwards said. “You get out there and make mistakes, you’re gonna have to deal with the consequences.”

The investigation is ongoing, and Campus Safety is currently conducting interviews. At this time, Edwards said they have not associated the incident with any group or organization on campus.

Edwards said he welcomes any students who might be feeling unsafe after this incident to stop by Campus Safety and “share their feelings about anything dealing with safety.”

“We want everyone to feel safe,” Edwards said. “If something happens, we’re gonna address it.”

Edwards also said information from students is important in Campus Safety’s investigations.

“We’re only as good as the information we receive, so we need people to come forward about anything, anything that we can help you with,” Edwards said. “The only way you can solve problems is because you get information.”

Students and staff with information can contact Campus Safety at

The Pleiad reached out to General Manager of Metz Culinary Management Jeff Davis on Feb. 26 and Feb. 27. Davis did not respond in time for publication. 

Katherine Simpkins also contributed reporting to this story.

About Jocelyn Kincaid-Beal 25 Articles
Jocelyn Kincaid-Beal is a junior from Ann Arbor, Michigan. They are majoring in English with a Professional Writing focus and minoring in Educational Studies. Jocelyn writes things down because their head would be too crowded otherwise, and now they’re getting paid to do so. Contact Jocelyn via email at

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