Boiler System Update: KC Holes Filled

Two Deere excavators fill the holes outside of the KC. The hole was originally dug on Jan. 14 during the search for a possible leak along a steam line (Photo by Katherine Simpkins).

Director of Maintenance Operations Jim Diaz said in an email on Friday that the ground in front of the Kellogg Center (KC) and Robinson Hall containing the new pipe is now being filled.

“(The company) has replaced the leaking condensate pipe with new pipe,” Diaz said. “We have tested it to make sure there are no leaks, and they are now back filling the hole.”

As the holes in front of the KC are being filled, work has started on the corner of Porter and Hannah Street.

Cones and caution tape surround a dug-up section of sidewalk on the corner of Hannah and Porter Street to replace a fiber cable (Photo by Katherine Simpkins).

On Wednesday, a patch of sidewalk was dug up by the Delta Sigma Phi fraternity house. Caution tape and cones were placed around the missing slab, blocking the pathway. 

Diaz said via email that the sidewalk removal diagonally across from the KC dig site was to “replace a fiber cable line for internet usage.” 

“The company should be pouring new cement where the sidewalk was taken up for the fiber line on Monday,” Diaz said. 

Since Jan. 14, construction has ensued in search of a possible leak along a steam line on campus; the Office of Community Living notified students on Jan. 16 via email of the construction but have yet to follow up with an official update.

A Deere excavator scoops dirt to fill in the hole outside of the KC and Robinson Hall (Photo by Phoebe Holm).
A truck and excavator sit atop the KC dig site (Photo by Bella Bakeman).
About Katherine Simpkins 26 Articles
Katherine Simpkins, aka "Kat", is a senior from Adrian, MI. She is majoring in Sociology and minoring in Educational Studies. Her passion for journalism started at an early age when she picked up her camera and started seeing life from a different perspective. In her free time, you can find Kat snuggled up next to her cat, Phoebe; named after the best "Friends" character. You can contact her at

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