Photos: CSE Hosts Annual Green Day Event

Albion community members stand listening to a presentation at one of the Green Day booths run by Whiteman Consulting Firm. The different tables scattered across the Science Atrium showcased environmental clubs and departments (Photo by Lizzy Kelley).

On Wednesday, the Center for Sustainability and Environment (CSE) hosted its annual fall Green Day event in the Science

Students and staff come together in the Science Atrium to grab some snacks, refreshments and converse. Green Day allowed students to present their sustainable environment projects to people outside of their departments (Photo by Lizzy Kelley).

Atrium. This event brought on-campus faculty, some off-campus companies and groups as well as students together to talk

about making the campus more sustainable. 

Delia Nieves, a member of CSE and senior from Cleveland said she hopes Albion will give its residents more information about sustainability by way of recycling. 

“I feel like the school or the city could present better information to students

about what can and cannot be recycled,” Neives said, adding that it “would be a start to a better system on campus of keeping trash out of parking lots.”

Earth and Environment Department Chair Carrie Menold also attended Green Day, and worked on a temperature blanket she began knitting at the start of the year. 

Menold started the blanket because she has been looking for new ways to present data on how climate change has affected the city of Albion. When 2023 started Menold said she bought “an excessive amount of colorful yarn and got to work.”

“It’s just a matter of going out and collecting the data every day. I carry around a little notebook with all of my data in it, which as you can imagine looks pretty hilarious,” Menold said.

Menold is looking forward to knowing while using the blanket that she is going to be, as she said, “under a year’s worth of Albion.” This blanket for Menold is a way of taking a hobby she has and using it to convey data and present a new way of communicating the changes going on around us. 

Earth and Environment Department Chair, Carrie Menold, stands amongst students with a hand-knitted temperature blanket. Menold started a temperature blanket at the beginning of 2023 with dark blue representing the coldest days and red the hottest (Photo by Lizzy Kelley).
An assortment of plants displayed for sale at Green Day. These plants were grown in Albion’s greenhouse by the biology department (Photo by Lizzy Kelley).
About Lizzy Kelley 18 Articles
Lizzy Kelley is a sophomore from Brighton, Michigan. Lizzy is a psychology major, and is typically found working on her stuff in the Dow. Contact Lizzy via email at

1 Comment

  1. Such an outstanding and informative update on the CSE Green Day Green Day Event. Beautiful photos. Great job Lizzy.

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