I’m writing this letter sitting in the Pleiad office, which is my office now I suppose. I keep looking at our whiteboard with various quotes scribbled on it, the many esteemed awards the Pleiad has won and old print editions scattered around. My eyes shift to the Keurig in the corner and my mind wanders to an internal debate: Should I make a third cup of coffee? I’ve been sitting here since lunch, desperately trying to find the inspiration needed to introduce myself to you all.
All I’ve come up with so far is: “Go Brits!”
This is funny because honestly, I have no true interest in football or any other sporting events. The only time I’ve ever said “Go Brits” was in a very sarcastic tone, which is not the way I’d like to start this relationship off.
Last spring, I was the managing editor of the Pleiad. Whenever something “went wrong” at Albion College, previous Editor-in-Chief Liam Rappleye and I would look at each other knowingly and say “Go Brits.”
This interaction happened… often. A lot “went wrong” at Albion College last year – and we covered it all. I wrote and edited stories about a lack of student jobs, students protesting racism, recalled yearbooks containing homophobic rhetoric and coaches using racial slurs.
My first article as a staff writer was literally titled, “Dear Albion College: You’re Failing My Expectations.” A little dramatic, if I’m honest. Albion College is not perfect, but it’s become home to me. I’ve found where I belong here, surrounded by my chosen family and within the walls of the Pleiad office.
I ended my first story by saying, “Communication between Albion College and its students is imperative,” and that I expected more from “the administration that is responsible for a student’s future.”
While I have grown a lot in my writing, opinions and thoughts of Albion College and its administration since I wrote that story, I still firmly believe those words. I will continue to hold the administration to the highest standards of honesty and communication with regard to its students, staff and faculty.
There have been a lot of changes on campus this semester already, some of which have yet to be fully explained. In my new capacity as editor-in-chief of the Pleiad I will always, above all else, find and report the truth accurately and wholly. I will hold my staff to the same standards.
But more than that, I intend to write stories that matter, stories of consequence and, ultimately, stories you want to read.
By the end of this year, I hope every time I say “Go Brits,” I really mean it.
Starting today, with feeling and sincerity:
Go Brits!
Ms. Bakeman, your words were insightful, passionate and sincere. Also, always go for the third cup of coffee.
SO happy to have Pleiad articles back after the usual summer hiatus. Go Bella & Go Brits!
When things went wrong on campus, my friends and I used to call it “The Albion Advantage.” I am so glad the tradition of sarcastic Briton pride lives on!
Looking forward to a fantastic publishing year, go Brits (actually)!