Purple Reign in MIAA: Brits Stay Hot With Homecoming Victory Over Hope

Clouds loom above Sprankle-Sprandel stadium during the fourth quarter of Albions matchup against Hope on Saturday. The Brits won, continuing their six game win streak (Photo by Cynthia Ramirez).

The weekend can mean a lot of things here at Albion College, whether it’s the parties thrown at the fraternities or the rush to get assignments turned in on time before the start of another week. 

However, a weekend at Albion during the Fall semester isn’t complete without Football. The last few Saturdays, the Brits have been an insurmountable force against their opponents, scoring nothing less than 28 points per game.

Brit the Briton cheering with Albion Alumni, students, and fans (Photo by Cynthia Ramirez).

This statistic stayed true on Saturday after Albion faced off against their Dutch rivals, Hope College, on their home turf in the Sprankle-Sprandel Stadium. 

From the get-go the Brits put on an aggressive first half with Quarterback Jack Bush, fifth-year from Chelsea, passing it to wide receiver Mark Tocco, Macomb senior, across 11 yards to the end zone. 

Like clockwork, another pass by Bush to Tocco scored another touchdown making it a 13-0 game by the end of the first quarter.

The Brits did not play perfect football, though. There were two fumbles that gave opportunities to the Dutchmen. However, when given such an opportunity, Hope did not capitalize on it with Albion’s defensive line preventing them from reaching the end zone for most of the game, leaving them no choice but to attempt field goals. 

Albion then gained another touchdown from Waterford junior Brendan Teal after he caught a 21-yard pass from Bush in the second quarter.

In the third, Bush found Tocco again for a 75-yard score, followed by a kick by Novi senior Jackson Cooney from 20 yards making the game 30-3 by the end of the quarter.

In the fourth, Hope college made an 81-yard drive, scoring after a 1-yard run. This was not enough to turn the table in their favor, though, and the game ended with a score of 30-10.   

Overall, it was an excellent display of the team’s skill, even more so in how they once again prolonged their undefeated streak. The victory was sweetened by the homecoming spirit on campus and the turnout of both students and alumni alike. For now, the team’s sights are set on their next opponent, Trine University, in hopes to continue the streak.

About Aidan Ryan 3 Articles
Born and raised Birmingham Michigan and a Junior Geo English double major with a knack for history. Contact Aidan via email at AWR10@albion.edu.

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