J.P. Morgan Chase Bank was at Beyond Albion with Alec K. Palmer and Albion College’s Andrew Sowa, Allen Park Senior. The two shared information with students about job opportunities and internship possibilities with Chase Bank (Photo Illustration by Cynthia Ramirez).
On Wednesday the Beyond Albion Career and Internship Fair was held in Upper Baldwin Hall. The Event was intended for students who are interested in seeking full-time employment, internships, post-graduation projects and information on graduate/professional programs. There were 39 different organizations, schools and programs in attendance to recruit Albion’s next class of professionals.
The FBI table at Beyond Albion. Representatives of the FBI were at the event, ready to share information with students about the different career opportunities they have to offer (Photo by Cynthia Ramirez).Students at job booths talk to employers. Many students dressed professionally to learn about job opportunities, internships, and graduate programs in Upper Baldwin Hall (Photo by Cynthia Ramirez).An Albion College student talks to a Melton and Melton Certified Public Account about a Job Opportunity. Melton and Melton was one of nearly 40 organizations at Beyond Albion (Photo by Cynthia Ramirez).Albion College Alumni Jacob Tietsema ‘21, Dom McDonald ‘22 and D’Mitrius Robinson ’22, Representatives of Automated Logistics Systems, pose with a mask (Photo Illustration by Cynthia Ramirez).Mike Maske, a recruiting manager at Alro Steel located in Jackson, MI poses in front of his booth at Beyond Albion (Photo Illustration by Cynthia Ramirez).
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