Over 50 students gathered in the Kellogg Center on Friday night to check out the “Kaos in the KC”. This is the second time the Office of Campus Life has hosted the event that’s meant to encourage the student body to come out, get connected and have fun.
The first time the “Kaos” took place was on the night of Aug. 27 at the end of Albion-O to wrap up new student r orientation. Campus Life created the event to help the incoming students meet each other and engage in some activities such as games, music and movies. Union Board also helped run the event with over 230 first-year students attending the first time.
While there were not as many people in attendance this Friday night, “Kaos in the KC” was still considered a success by event-goers the second time around.
The Kellogg Center hosted several activities on the different floors of the KC such as popular board games on the first floor, a throwback party in the Stack and a showing of the movie “Legally Blonde” in the Loft. The event lasted from 8 to 11 p.m. and saw students of all classes showing up to enjoy the social time.
Alaya Swoop, Phoenix, Ariz. first-year student, said that she had gone to the first event and this time it was still fun to check out the scene and play games with friends.
“Albion’s just so cool. There’s so many things it has to offer. It’s even better when you add in the fact that everybody knows each other. It has its own little community, and everyone’s so nice,” said Swoop.
Niqo Bullock, assistant director of Campus Life, worked throughout the night to fulfill his duty of ensuring the best possible experience for students, and to bring forward the community Albion strives to create.
“The event had a good turnout with great student workers, full functionality and great energy on all levels,” said Bullock.
The Office of Campus Life is looking to expand the next time around with different campus organizations participating and setting up booths. Campus Life would also like to do more advertising so more students know what is going on.
In the near future, “Kaos in the KC” might be a regular event for the student body to come together, socialize and learn more about student groups similar to an ongoing form of Briton Bash.
“In the future, we’re looking to incorporate more activities for student engagement, with potential student organization and Greek life tabling,” Bullock said. “Campus Life is looking to have this occur on a monthly basis, but the aim is to have it more facilitated by students so that it can be used as a networking tool for the various groups on campus.”
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