The Brit is a podcast that Morgan DeRose, Whitehall senior, and Caitlyn-Rae Arendse, Columbus, Ohio senior, worked hard to begin the summer of 2020. With Season Three commencing, we would like to bid goodbye to Morgan DeRose, who will leave her co-host position on this season of The Brit.
Note: This episode was recorded prior to the Fall 2021 Semester
Season Three, Episode One: Strength in Leadership: A Talk With Student Senate President and Vice President Elect
In this episode, The Brit co-hosts, Derose and Arendse, sit down with the Albion College Student Senate President and Vice President, Skylyr Zink and Samantha Brand, to discuss plans for Fall 2021 of their representation of the senate. Arendse and Derose dig deep and ask both leaders about their ambitions for their seats, COVID-19 protocols and difficulties they foresee for their senate terms.
Goals of The Episode
The goals of this episode are vast, and focus on Zink and Brand’s joint leadership goals for this school year. The Brit has aimed to question both leaders on their inspiration to run for this major position on campus and how they expect to handle any issues and/or challenges. Finally, we want to give students a way to access and hold our leadership to their elected and campaign promises.
Click here to listen to The Brit Season Three, Episode One.
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