In this week’s episode of The Brit, Brit Hosts, DeRose and Arendse, sit down with Daniel McGarry, a junior from Macomb, and Nathaniel Jennings, a junior from O’Neile, Neb., to talk about their experiences as performing arts students. Both McGarry and Jennings are studying piano. They are also each members of the Albion College concert choir.
The interview with McGarry and Jennings begins with the two talking about their involvement in concert choir. They then talk about playing the piano. Following that, the interviewees go on to address some of the highs and lows of playing and studying music while in college. McGatry concludes the interview by speaking to how Albion’s music department is open to all students, and he e encourages any interested student to take up an instrument.
Goals of the episode
This episode aims to give voice to those who are involved in the Albion College performing arts departments. In doing so, DeRose and Arendse hope to cause people to share some of the experiences of students in the music department, as well as to promote recitals and concerts that are soon to take place at Albion College.
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