In this week’s episode of The Brit, Brit Hosts, DeRose and Arendse, sit down with three members of Asian Awareness Group (AAG): Lily Goldberg, a senior from Allendale; Marshall Woods, a sophomore from Bay City; and Tim Bullock, sophomore from Dayton, Ohio. In addition, hosts speak with Albion College history professor Dr. Joseph Ho. The conversations in this week’s episode aim to open up a discussion about the racism that is experienced by so many of those in the AAPI community.
The interview with AAG begins with group members talking about the mission and goals of the organization. The interviewees addressed racism in the AAPI community and the ways in which people can work to counter such racism.
The interview with Ho centers around his efforts to stop racism against those in the AAPI community. Ho talks of how he works to counter such racism and hatefulness by exposing those in his classes to Asian history. He then talks about how racism can and should be addressed on Albion’s campus as well as in other areas of the US.
Goals of the episode
In this episode, Brit hosts work to give an additional platform to Asian Awareness Group and to those in the AAPI community. Words from AAG members and Ho shed light on the importance of people becoming more understanding of the struggles faced by those in the Asian community. This understanding, in turn, will hopefully lead people to actively work against the hate and racism that so many experience.
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