On March 25, the Michigan Press Association (MPA) announced the winners of its annual College Better Newspaper Contest. In addition, two Pleiad team members were recognized by the MPA as 2019 College Better Newspaper Contest awardees.
After some deliberation, members of The Pleiad team submitted what they decided were the best possible entries from the 2019-2020 school year. These entries were submitted in November and were subsequently judged by non-Michigan journalists against similar publications, including Michigan State and Grand Valley.
The Pleiad’s winning submissions are as follows:
Column, Review or Blog: News or Sports
- Third Place: Jordan Revenaugh for More Than Just Exercise: The Complex Relationship Between
Athletics and Mental Health
Feature Story
- First Place: Zahra Ahmed for Code Switching: An Asset and a Challenge for Many Albion Students
Let’s go Zahra and Jordan!!! Very well deserved. So proud to be a member of this staff!