Campus Safety protocols for Formals and Holidays during COVID-19

Campus Safety has enacted new protocols in their offices to minimize the spread of COVID-19. Pictured are the plexiglass barriers in the offices that were installed to keep the Albion community safe. These same rules apply no matter what the occasion (Photo by Taylor Dietz).

With holidays like St. Patrick’s day just behind us and formals fast approaching, Campus Safety is prepared to enforce campus COVID-19 protocols. With the COVID-19 pandemic calling for stricter regulations both on- and off-campus in order to limit the spread of the virus, campus safety is enforcing rules on campus to keep the Albion community safe.

Though there are no rules explicitly against attending gatherings, parties and formals, students who choose to celebrate holidays and attend formals are expected to adhere by the current COVID-19 regulations on campus.

The protocols for these events are the same as protocols for any campus event or gathering that have been put in place because of COVID-19 for this academic year,” said Kenneth Snyder, director of Campus Safety, via email. “Any formal that was approved would have to abide by all of the current policies that address the number of people that can gather together, physical distancing, and mask wearing.”

Kurt Jolly, a senior from Chelsea, spoke on behalf of the student COVID-19 accountability team regarding the matter.

“Our main goal is to give them student feedback on the protocols that they’re putting in place,” said Jolly.   “A big thing we did this semester was begin an incentive program. This program will begin the first day of  module D, and if we continue to have a really low amount of cases, we will continue to be able to open up new things on campus.” 

Students who do not abide by campus protocols will face repercussions.

“Students or student groups who do not abide by the current COVID-19 policies will be referred to the conduct process,” said Snyder. 

Administration has communicated through emails to the student body that the protocols \ put in place are meant to keep every student safe and healthy. The protocols have allowed the campus to keep a low number of positive COVID-19 cases. According to the Together Safely site the current positive population rate is at 0.15%, making the risk level low.

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