Over the past three decades, Albion College Britons have boasted many outstanding achievements and awards, such as four Truman Scholars, three Morris K Udall Scholarships for leadership and public service, two Goldwater Scholars for commitment to science and engineering and 29 Academic All Americans in football.
While the reputation of Albion College Brits has led it to be publicly recognized as 29th on US News’ 50 Most Innovative National Liberal Arts Colleges, the recognition for outstanding Briton achievements may be just as meaningful coming from the smaller, everyday actions of the people that make up the Albion community.
Thanks to Student Senate, Albion’s campus community is planning to do more recognition to acknowledge staff and students for making a difference here on campus. This semester, Student Senate Academic Student Affairs (ASA) committee is launching the Outstanding Brit Recognition Program.
The process for nominating someone for the award is simple. QR code posters are hanging throughout the Kellogg Center, and a phone with QR compatibility is all one needs to fill out the Google Form.
The first award, which includes a gift card and other goodies, wll be given to one of the 31 nominees. Once the program kicks off, a winner will be chosen every week, with the ASA committee voting to select the week’s Outstanding Brit. The nominee will then be invited to the next Student Senate meeting, where their accomplishment will be announced. A picture of the weekly winner will be posted, along with a short description and biography on the Student Senate social media pages.
Skylyr Zink, leader of the ASA committee, said she is very excited about the new program, and hopes to see more student involvement over time.
“I wish more students would nominate others more regularly. However, those that do submit a nomination, give thoughtful and meaningful responses,” said Zink.
According to Zink, the Outstanding Brit Recognition Program is still looking for more nominations. Those who run the program believe that by looking for the good things people do around campus, it’ll create a more positive campus environment in general.
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