Union Board is a student-led organization that works to plan and facilitate campus events. Because of the pandemic, Union Board has been unable to run events as they have in the past, but this has not stopped the organization from planning safe and fun events for Albion College students.
“We have done a lot this year. In the fall, we had Fall Fest, a ghost hunter, a cornhole tournament, a salsa night and virtual concerts,” said Austin Raymond, a junior from Clare and spokesperson for Union Board. “We also brought in local vendors, and we had a lot of trivia nights, just to name a few.”
Thus far in the spring 2021 semester, Union Board has been quite active on Albion’s campus.
“This semester alone, we have given away numerous paint by numbers kits, we have had more trivia game nights, we have been tabling every Wednesday in the Kellogg Center and we are providing free Bohm movies,” said Raymond. “We are also promoting local business by giving away prizes.”
Raymond also mentioned that Union Board emphasizes the importance of safety when hosting their events.
“We have sanitizers, and we make sure everyone is keeping a safe distance,” said Raymond. “Also, we are giving food away in packages to make sure it is safer for students.”
Nonetheless, there have still been some COVID-19 related challenges for the organization.
“COVID-19 has greatly impacted our planning and events. We now have more virtual events, less turn out, less interactional activities and we have had to cancel some events because they cannot be virtual,” said Raymond. “However, we have been thinking outside the box to come up with creative activities for campus.”
One such creative was a recent cheesecake handout at the Kellogg Center, where students were able to stop by the Kellogg Center to pick up their own individually boxed piece of cheesecake.
This coming week, Union Board is hosting an event in honor of Black History Month. The event is titled ‘Taste of Blackness,’ and it is going to feature a variety of different foods.
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