The Brit is a podcast that Morgan DeRose, a junior from Whitehall, and Caitlyn-Rae Arendse, a junior from Columbus, Ohio, spent this past summer working to create. Episodes of The Brit air every Monday.
Episode Five: Let’s get an update: The newest Panhel and IFC Presidents Part 2
During the fifth episode of “The Brit”, Derose and Arendse sit down to talk to both incoming Presidents of the Interfraternity Council, Frank Hernandez, a junior from Houston, and Panhellenic Council (Panhel), Alex Mileski, a junior from Lapeer. Hernandez and Mileski provide insight on their goals and proposals for their upcoming presidential terms. Both IFC and Panhel work together to promote Greek Life’s growing presence and inclusion on Albion College’s campus.
Goals of This Episode
This episode will educate students inside and outside of Panhel and IFC on the vast possibilities and opportunities that Greek Life has to offer on Albion College’s campus. Both incoming presidents will also discuss recruitment and the importance of diversity, equity and inclusion they hope to address in the upcoming semester.
Additional Information
Albion College Panhellenic Council
Albion College Interfraternity Council
Click here to listen to The Brit Episode Five, Let’s get an update: The newest Panhel and IFC Presidents Part 2
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