As the upcoming 2020 election approaches, the Albion College Republicans continue preparations. These preparations include campaigning for Republican candidates, reviewing election material and encouraging their peers to vote.
Due to Albion College restrictions placed in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, members of the College Republicans have not been able to campaign as they normally would. However, this has not stopped them in their support of Peter Meijer, Republican candidate for Michigan’s third congressional district.
“We’re doing some phone calling events since we’re unable to go knock on doors and such,” said Albion College Republicans President Cameron Hall, a sophomore from South Lyon. “We cannot go door knocking for the campaigns, so it’s a lot of phone calls, really.”
To help drum up interest in phone banking for Meijer, Hall and the Albion College Republicans held a competition on Oct. 21 against the College Republicans at Grand Valley State University. Whichever organization made the most calls for the Meijer campaign would win.
“The idea is that if there’s a little bit of competition, there will be some incentive to reach more voters, and that’s really our goal this election, to reach as many voters as we can,” said Hall. “On top of that, whichever school wins will get a nice box of merch from the Peter Meijer campaign.”
The College Republicans are also active in campaigning for other Republicans running for office besides Meijer. This includes a phone banking event for the Trump Victory campaign on Saturday and supporting Michigan senatorial candidate John James.
In addition to their work campaigning, the College Republicans have been encouraging their fellow students to vote in the upcoming presidential election. Along with other organizations and the President’s Office, the College Republicans have assisted with Albion’s commitment to the ALL IN Campus Democracy Challenge.
“We co-sponsored the National Voter Registration Day event that the President’s Office had,” said Hall. “We definitely share the same belief that it is important to get students voting. It is a very big demographic that a lot of candidates really need.”
For the College Republicans, what matters most is that people are voting and getting involved in the Democratic process.
“We’re all about reaching voters,” said Hall. “One of our biggest goals during an election year is to reach voters, talk to voters, try to maybe sway a vote or two. That’s our big thing: Reach the voters.”
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