A countless number of events have been cancelled, jobs put on hold and careers ended, either temporarily or permanently, due to the COVID-19. When people think of sports teams losing their spring seasons and winter championships, they probably feel empathetic for seniors who have lost more than just their final seasons.
There is one group of people who may experience this heartache in a different way: The coaches. Coaches recruit, train and mentor players for years while watching them grow into strong and confident adults.
The Albion College Athletics community recognizes this, and the department has come together and to watch out for its own people.
“I feel a lot of support from the athletic department, and I know we will get through this,” said Kristin de St. Aubin, Albion’s head volleyball coach.
Despite the cancelled seasons, Albion’s coaches seem to be doing as well as they can be. Something that has helped with this is their ability to find silver linings in the midst of the upset.
“We’re coordinating some competitions that we usually don’t talk about or don’t do, because now we really have a chance to think it out,” said Lance Coleman, head track and field coach.
Spending more time on things like recruiting and planning new competitions, coaches are putting their focus on the future of the program and looking toward the end of all this rather than greive on what was lost.
“I have been able to interact more with my recruits simply because I have the time” said western equestrian coach Adam D’Agostino.
Coaches also recognize that this time has given them additional time to reach out and talk to potential recruits. Having extra time on their hands helps many coaches focus on other parts of their job, specifically those that are more difficult to do during season or offseason training. It also provides opportunities, like Coleman said, to try out new things.
“Some hope, some fear, and a lot of positivity. Got to be positive in these times and help other people be positive,” said Coleman.
Coleman’s words sum up how the majority of Albion’s coaches are handling themselves during this time. Albion’s coaches are eager to get back to leading their teams when sports resume practice and competition.
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