Campus Residential Facilities Close

Amid growing concerns regarding the COVID-19 outbreak, Albion College announced today at 2:30 p.m. that campus residential facilities are to close by 5 p.m. tomorrow.

The announcement was made following Governor Gretchen Whitmer’s “Stay home, Stay safe” Executive Order, mandating a suspension of all organizations not vital to maintaining human life and directing all Michigan residents to remain in their homes unless they are part of a work force deemed to be essential during this time.

Students have been asked to take all of their belongings with them as they depart campus, and no returns to campus are permitted until April 13, the date in which the regulations outlined in Governor Whitmer’s Executive Order are expected to end. The end date of the order, however, is subject to change if conditions do not improve. If the end date of the order is extended for the health and safety of Michigan residents, the date in which students are allowed to return to campus will be extended as well.

It is expected that all students currently residing on campus will make arrangements to travel home, although exceptions are being arranged upon request for students in special circumstances. These exceptions, however, are extremely limited, and the college urges students to do what they can to seek safe living arrangements off campus before submitting a request to stay. All requests made must be sent to the Student Development Office by 7 p.m.

Online instruction will continue as usual during this time.


About Jordan Revenaugh 80 Articles
Jordan Revenaugh is a senior from Rochester, Michigan. An aspiring journalist and author, she is a double major in psychology and English with a creative writing concentration. In addition to being Editor-in-Chief of the Pleiad, Jordan runs cross country and track, is a part of Delta Gamma and InterVarsity, and is a dedicated avocado enthusiast.

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