Albion College Holds Second Semester Celebration Ice Cream Social

Albion College hosted the first ever Second Semester Ice Cream Social to celebrate first years' first semester as college students. Located in Wesley Hall on Wednesday night, the event was not only a celebration, but a way for first years' to gain advice about the semesters ahead (Photo by Jordan Revenaugh).

On Wednesday, Residential Life collaborated with the Provost Office to host Albion College’s first annual Second Semester Celebration Ice Cream Social.

Held on the ground floor of Wesley Hall, the event aimed to celebrate first year students’ completion of their first semester at Albion and to prepare them for the upcoming challenges they will face in the new semester, as said by Associate Provost Dianne Guenin-Lelle

 “[The event] is also a chance to say that this semester is going to be a little different,” said Guenin-Lelle. “You don’t have your first year seminar. You don’t have your first year peer mentor, and you don’t have quite as much programming to get you acclimated for the semester, so we are trying to point out how some of those elements are different.” 

The event provided attendees with bookmarks featuring important dates for the second semester, including the last day to drop/add classes and the FAFSA deadline.

The event also featured words of advice from Dean of Students Leroy Wright  and Resident Director A.J. Mattson. Albion peer mentors Irene Corona, Isabel Allaway and Hannah Woods also made short remarks.

Ice cream for the event was provided by the dining staff and served to students by Albion Provost Marc Roy and Guenin-Lelle.

About Temi Fadayomi 12 Articles
Temi Fadayomi is a senior from Big Rapids, MI and is an English major with a professional writing focus. Temi works as a staff writer who writes primarily writes for the news desk. Temi is a firm believer in the jellyfish values of life, going with the flow and trying your best.

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