Dear Finals,
Around this time of year, stress pimples start to pop up on some of the most clear faces despite perfect skin routines. Stress eating and all-nighters become a daily routine, and there are never enough slots available for massages in the K.C.
Yes, it’s almost your time to shine, Finals.
“Dear Finals, you make me feel like dropping out,” said Jordan Forney, a sophomore from LaPorte, Ind.
This is a common feeling among Albion college students, Finals. You should be ashamed.
“Dear finals, when we go to prepare we aren’t prepared enough for you, and we should be given guidelines instead of being thrown into it,” said Desaray Wadle, a sophomore from Carson City Mich.
On a brighter note, thanks to you, Finals, students have a designated time to bond over: free pancakes, over crowded libraries, a little crying and lots of coffee.
“Dear Finals, you’re definitely a tough time,” said Riley Stesiak, a senior from Grager, Ind. “You allow all students to rally around their hate for you, but it kind of brings us closer together. I’m just hoping to persevere and get to that Christmas break.”
Peter Loch, a first year from Grosse Pointe Woods, Mich., agreed with this philosophy of bonding during finals week.
“Dear Finals, thanks to you everyone always goes to the library together, and we now can form a bond in common suffering,” said Loch.
Other students just want to get down to business and skip the kumbaya circle.
“Dear finals, I’m just hoping to get started early on to try to lessen the blow a little,” said Joel Zaretti, a junior from Troy, Mich.
Kayla Sharp, a junior from Farmington, Mich. had a similar mindset.
“Dear Finals, I’m usually the one to take it by the rings, and what eases my stress about you is just prep in advance,” said Sharp.
Vicky Turner, a junior from Ypsilanti Mich., signed off on more of a positive note.
“Dear finals, I know you are definitely a challenge, but when I’m finished that means I’m done with finals, and I’m done with the semester,” said Turner. “It makes me motivated.”
Finals, you’re not all bad, but you’re not all good either. One thing you are, though, is here to stay. So, here is our letter to you.
Albion College Students
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