Renovations in Library Underway

On Monday, Feb. 19, renovations began on room 209-210 in the Stockwell-Mudd Library and room 305 on the second floor. Room 305 will become the Center for Teaching and Learning, and both rooms will feature new paint, carpeting and technology with an aim to create a more enjoyable and productive learning environment.

The Center for Teaching and Learning supports the pedagogical development of Albion College faculty and staff by offering programs that facilitate the exchange of ideas about teaching and learning; fostering campus culture centered on teaching and learning; and equipping teachers for all stages of their careers. CTL currently occupies Ferguson 108, 109 and 111.

Previously, the classrooms’ tables were heavy and tough to move. In Mudd 209, there was a technology cabinet that was hard to move, too, but Mike Van Houten, co-director of the library, said the cabinet will be replaced with a much smaller cabinet, an updated computer and a DVD player which is connected to a projector.

“We’re trying to keep it on the simple side so we don’t have a hodgepodge of furniture, but easily moveable, lightweight, everything on wheels. So if somebody wants to line all the tables up or put them in a square, they can,” said Van Houten.

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Along with new, lightweight furniture, there will be outlets on the floor so students can charge their laptops and phones. Whiteboards will also be available to help facilitate group learning, said Van Houten.

The goal of the renovations to the classroom is to reduce and limit noise. Jon Woell, associate provost and professor of religious studies, said the furniture that previously occupied the room was loud and clunky, and with new furniture and carpet, he hopes that will lead to a quieter and more productive space for students.

The project will not only include the Mudd classroom and the new Center for Teaching and Learning but upgrades to the main floor of Mudd as well. According to Woell, the entire project will cost about $400,000. Most of what was funded came through gifts to the college.

Van Houten hopes that the classroom and Center for Teaching and Learning will be finished by early March. The main floor of Mudd will be completed this summer.

Photos by Steve Marowski

About Steven Marowski 87 Articles
Steven Marowski is a senior from Farmington Hills, Michigan, and is a professional writing and philosophy double major. Steve loves to talk sports, preferably baseball and hockey, and owns over 140 different hats. Follow him on Twitter at @Steve_Marowski

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