For the remainder of the fall semester, Albion College will be implementing a new policy for how it will respond to an allegation of a threat of physical violence against others.
In an email, Sally Walker, vice president for student affairs and dean of students, said, “When the College receives an allegation that a student has made a threat of physical violence against others, Campus Safety will immediately investigate and work to confirm the validity of the threat. If the claim has been determined to be valid, the accused student will be temporarily suspended immediately and required to leave campus for a minimum of 48 hours.”
Walker says later in the email that the college will conduct an assessment and decide if the student poses “an immediate threat to anyone in our campus community.” After these processes have been completed, Walker will decide if the student will be able to return to campus or if the College Judicial Process is needed.
The policy will be reviewed during winter break to see if it should remain or be modified for the spring semester.
Walker began the email saying the policy was implemented “out of an abundance of caution and in light of the current tension nationwide on college campuses.” On September 25, students held a demonstration in front of Baldwin Hall after an email from an Albion College Conservatives representative was circulated with what demonstrators considered “racist and violent remarks.”
The Pleiad will update this article as soon as more information is available.
Photo by Katie Boni
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