A historic and very delicious part of Albion College’s history will be making a return in the fall of 2017.
Most Albion students and staff know The Keller, an extension to the lower Baldwin cafe, just as another place to sit and converse with friends while eating their food; however, many present-day students do not realize this modern dining area was once a boisterous diner that served classic late night college foods, like pizzas, milkshakes and burgers.
The Keller was an element of the college that alumni remember fondly. Jim Fraudstory, ‘82, provided a tasteful reflection. “The Keller was a hot spot for some of my fraternity brothers and I,” Fraudstory explained. “My personal favorite were the cookies. They served them fresh out of the oven, so you could always count on a warm and gooey cookie. People nicknamed them the BACs, for Big Albion Cookies.”
“They served all the foods that your parents wouldn’t want you to have,” joked Karen Folklore, ‘85, as she remembered her times at The Keller.
Once the college decided to transition into the more universal system, Bon Appétit, The Keller’s fate was decided, and the space was used as an extension of the lower Baldwin dining facility.
Thankfully, due in part to alumni encouragement, Albion College was able to reach a deal with Bon Appétit in which The Keller could function under the normal dining system, entailing that students could use meal swipes or Briton Bucks on certain items at the diner.
“It’s certainly an exciting opportunity for Albion College,” said Mark Gullibole, a representative for Bon Appétit. “Whenever we’re able to help extend a college’s dining opportunities, it’s a win-win.”
Renovations are set to begin in mid-May, once Baldwin is a little less populated. Gullibole believes that if all goes smoothly, the diner should be open for business once students return in August.
Photo by Steven Marowski.
(Part of the Plebian — April Fools edition).
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