It comes in many shapes, sizes and colors. It bears many uses, both as a place to hold your favorite beverage, and as a calendar of events to keep you “in the know” throughout the semester. You probably have at least two of each style, and you’ve probably lost at least one at a football game or a party at some point in your college career. The famous Union Board water bottle is something every Albion College student needs, something that can be seen on campus at least 20 times on any given day and something that connects each and every Briton together.
The Union Board water bottle has many personalities. Sometimes its spotted with a large cap, strapped to a backpack ready for some long hours spent at the library. Sometimes the old UB bottle is relaxing on a porch near a game of corn hole and some stereos. Other times the bottle is abandoned, strewn on the floor of a hallway, these are usually old models with faded text and worn out handles, truly a sad scene to witness.
This year’s version is taller than most, styling a nice grey strap and push-to-open lid, perfect for that refreshing ice cold water, or whatever else you fancy to take with you after your meal at Baldwin. So far these bottles have been known to hang out in both lecture halls and the occasional fraternity party. They appear to be just as hard working, and just as stylish, as the students they accompany each day.
The Union Board water bottle is just as much of a Brit as the rest of us. It goes where we go, it does what we do, and it keeps up hydrated along the way. So Brits, treat your fellow Brits, no matter what the shape, size, height, or color, with respect. Thank your Union Board water bottle for sticking with you since day one, since Briton Bash, or since you acquired an extra one that one Tuesday of last year. Thank goodness for the Union Board water bottle.
Long live the Keller Kup!