Albion students react to Big Show

One event Albion students can always count on for a good time is the Big Show. This year, Union Board brought in Neon Hitch and Mike Posner for a truly spectacular show.

Traditionally, the Big Show is just one popular celebrity or group that comes to perform. This year we got to see two artists perform and enjoy a variety of music.

Albion student Heather Vogt, Saline sophomore, thought the two-act concert was a lot of fun.

“Union Board does a really good job organizing and setting it up for the students every year,” Vogt said. “It’s a fun, big event to be with your friends and get a break from all of the stress and chaos that is the end of the semester.”

The Big Show had official crowd count of 791 people from the Albion student body. Students seemed to enjoy both artists and the crowd grew as the night went on, making space tight as everyone moved closer toward the stage. Despite the tight space, people still danced throughout the whole concert. The crowd was loudest when Mike Posner revealed he was wearing an Albion basketball jersey during the encore.

After the show, students raved about the concert on social media.  Union Board member John Forsyth, Chesaning sophomore, also thought the event was a success.

“I think things were really well organized,” Forsyth said. “From what I saw, everything came together flawlessly. Plus, it was great that everyone seemed to really enjoy the show.”

Photo by Alex Carey

About Alex Carey 60 Articles
Alex Carey is a senior from Birmingham, Mich. She majors in communication studies and double minors in French and business/organizations. She runs varsity cross country and is a member of the Delta Gamma sorority and Delta Sigma Pi business fraternity. Follow her on Twitter at @AlexxCarey.

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