If you’re anything like me, chances are you cleared your Sunday night of any plans so that you could devote your full attention to the awards show of all awards shows last night – The Oscars. For those of you, though, who aren’t obsessed with the awards show, here’s a list of the top five most important things that happened throughout the night. And, for those of you who are just as obsessed as I am, here’s a list so you can relive the night’s events one more time.
1. Jennifer Lawrence fell (again). This year it was on the red carpet, not on stage, but there were still plenty of cameras around to capture the moment. I think it’s safe to say that we’re all starting to wonder why JLaw keeps wearing heels to these events if she can’t quite walk in them. Luckily though, she recovered swiftly, and was able to laugh about it throughout the remainder of the show.
2. Ellen ordered pizza. Not only that, but Brad Pitt helped her dole out slices to the A-list crowd. Then Ellen declared that she didn’t have any cash on her, and asked Harvey Weinstein to foot the bill. “No pressure, only a billion people watching, whatever you feel is right,” Ellen joked. Regardless of who picked up the tab though, it was still arguably the best pizza party ever. Or, at the very least, most televised pizza party ever.
3. Famous people took selfies. Lots of them. Constantly. All night long. But perhaps the most important selfie of the night was the one Ellen took, which has now become the most retweeted tweet in Twitter history. It was retweeted so many times, in fact, that it disrupted Twitter service for more than 20 minutes just after 10 p.m. If that’s not some strong selfie game, I don’t know what is.
4. Lupita inspired us all. Seriously, if you missed her acceptance speech, stop what you’re doing right now to go watch it. Lupita Nyong’o has been tearing up the red carpet this awards season (her wardrobe choices have been consistently impeccable), and she has been doing it with such genuine grace and glamour. If you didn’t have goosebumps when she concluded her acceptance speech with a special message to children from all across the globe, then I don’t know what to tell you.
5. Leo didn’t win (again). By now, I’m sure we’ve all grown tired of the Leo jokes, so all I’m going to say is this: Leo, we love you. The Academy clearly doesn’t, but we do, and we always will, whether you have a little golden statue or not.
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