Western team qualifies for semi-finals

The Albion College equestrian team had its most successful season in years. The western team qualified for semi-finals, placing first in their region. This is the first time in Albion history that the entire team has qualified.

“I’m so proud of our team this year,” said Megan McNeil, Onondaga junior. “We have really stepped up and became a force to be reckoned with. I feel so blessed to be a part of this team and can’t imagine a better group of girls.”

The 13 riders will now compete in semi-finals in Texas at the end of March. Those who qualify will move on to nationals. One student, Morgan Carey, Hemlock junior, was ranked individually as a top rider in the nation. She is automatically guaranteed a spot to compete in nationals where she will be representing Albion College.

“I’m really proud of the whole team,” Carey said. “Our coach was in tears over this good news. To see her that overjoyed was an awesome feeling.”

The western team coach, Denise Webber, has been with the Albion team for nine years. This is her first time traveling to nationals with the entire team.

However, this year’s budget doesn’t cover the full cost of travel and competition.

“We are going to be doing a lot of fundraising and we need faculty, staff and student support,” said Kate Sears, Ann Arbor sophomore.

Look out soon for ways to help the Western Equestrian team and support your fellow Brits.

Photo courtesy of Denise Webber

About Alex Carey 60 Articles
Alex Carey is a senior from Birmingham, Mich. She majors in communication studies and double minors in French and business/organizations. She runs varsity cross country and is a member of the Delta Gamma sorority and Delta Sigma Pi business fraternity. Follow her on Twitter at @AlexxCarey.

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