After President Randall’s announced she’d move to Chancellor of the school and Albion would be looking for its 16th president students and faculty were left asking themselves who would become the next president, and when the nominees would be announced.
On April 11, the Board of Trustees announced Mike Frandsen, the current vice president of finance and administration, as the interim president. He will begin on July 1 and assume the position until the newly appointed president is found and takes office.
“The first reason that I accepted the job is because I’m here to serve Albion College and if the trustees think that that’s the best way to serve Albion at this point in its history, then that’s what I’m going to do,” Frandsen said. “I think I have a good relationship with a lot of different groups on campus because of the variety of positions I’ve held. I’ve been a faculty member, I’ve been an academic administrator and now a senior administrator for the school.”
Prior to Albion, Frandsen worked more than 10 years in corporate finance. Since then, Frandsen has been at Albion for nine years, where he first started in 2004 as a member of the economics and management faculty and eventually assumed his current role as vice president of finance and administration.
His work as vice president of finance and administration included various responsibilities such as information technology, facilities operations, auxiliary services, human resources and all of the regular finance and accounting activities.
Frandsen has hopes of improving the college during his period as president.
“One of the things I want to accomplish is that I want to be a visible leader on campus, someone who is seen as approachable, and who is keeping the college moving forward,” Frandsen said. “It can’t be a year that is lost in the life of this college, and that’s clearly part of the charge I have from the trustees to make sure that this not a year that is lost in its history.”
However, Frandsen also will continue the past initiatives that Dr. Randall implemented.
“We need to continue to recruit more and better students, and continue with the fundraising initiatives that we have, specifically in the library and athletics,” Frandsen said. “Dr. Randall is going to continue to work on those quite a bit. In fact, my personal involvement in that might be pretty limited because she’s going to continue that.”
It appears that he also plans on instituting a more “hands-on” approach with student involvements. Frandsen intends to attend student senate meetings next semester, along with being available to speak with students about their issues regarding the college.
An issue that has been in the back of many Albion student’s minds is tuition, especially when and if it is going to continue to increase. Frandsen will continue to aid in students’ financial support.
“Our tuition raises have been less than most other [private and public] institutions for the last three years,” Frandsen said. “We have continued to provide substantial financial aid to students, and we will continue to as tuition increases as low as we can, while continuing to provide as much support to students as we can.”
During Frandsen’s term, the college will be extensively searching for the 16th president. This process will involve the Board of Trustees and students.
“What my place is in that process is something that’ll reveal itself over time, and what’s right for me and what’s right for the college,” Frandsen said.
Reporting done by Lauren Ridenour, Managing Editor
Photo courtesy of Albion College
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