Starting on March 11, when students are on spring break, the renovation of Lower Baldwin will begin. Todd Tekiele, director of auxiliary services, has developed a new meal plan for students.
“When students return from spring break, they will transition to upper Baldwin to use as their temporary dining hall,” Tekiele said. “The kitchen is still an operational until after graduation, so only the dining room is under construction.”
Dana Anderson, Ann Arbor first-year, thinks there won’t be as much to eat.
“I’m nervous about the change,” Anderson said. “Being a vegetarian, I feel like I may get fewer options than I currently do now, which isn’t much.”
Other students are also worrying about the temporary accommodations.
“There’s obviously not as much capacity compared to Lower Baldwin,” said Kyle Griffin, White Lake Junior.
The renovation will create some menu and spatial changes, but Tekiele assures vegetarians will still get to eat.
“There won’t be as much room to do as many food choices, so there will be a little less,” Tekiele said. “The vegetarian options will still be there. More dining options will be available for students, as well.”
Students are also concerned about the time restrictions and long lines.
“I only have 10 minutes between my classes on some days,” said Robert Davidson, Beverly Hills first-year. “The eat shop is way too small, and I feel Upper Baldwin will fill up too fast. I don’t want to go without eating.”
A new system will be implemented at the Eat Shop as an alternative to Baldwin.
“We want to experiment with a ‘meal exchange,’” Tekiele said. “The Eat Shop menu will be completely changed to a bundling system during the day. A student on a meal plan can go during meal times and get food from there in lieu of Upper Baldwin. The food can be take-out style to save time.”
After 8 p.m., when Baldwin usually closes, the Eat Shop will go back to its regular menu for all students until their regular closing hours. Tekiele hopes everything goes smoothly, and that the eight weeks of the semester will go quickly.
“We know it’s not going to be perfect, but we want it to be a win-win for everybody,” Tekiele said.
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