Six Reasons to Love Valentine’s Day

It’s that time of the year again. New Year’s Eve and Ground Hog Day have passed, leaving the most anticipated and hated holiday of them all—Valentine’s Day.

Sure, some shrug the day off with a snarky comment like, “It’s a made up holiday by Hallmark and doesn’t mean anything.” I say, Bah-hum-bug. Valentine’s day—whether you’re single or in a relationship—is awesome! It shouldn’t be about feeling bad about yourself if you don’t have a date, or spending hundreds of dollars if you do.  If you think this excitement is a little overdone, please hear me out.


I mean, seriously: who doesn’t love candy? This holiday is an excuse to eat an entire box of chocolates and feel no remorse. Valentine’s Day calories do not count. So stock up on Dove chocolates with the inspiring notes that say “You’re beautiful” and those chalky candy hearts and call it a day. Also, think of the after Valentine’s Day candy sales: pure bliss.

Everyone can be your Valentine

Maybe it’s just me, but smiles are contagious. If you take the approach that you could be anyone’s valentine, I guarantee you will have a better day. Whether someone is having a good or bad day, just being nice to someone will put a smile on their face. Everyone wants to feel loved, so why not spread it around?

Dressing Up

Valentine’s Day is a great excuse to go do something and look good.  Maybe I’m the only one, but I’m definitely that crazy person who wears bright pink or purple just to be spirited.  If you feel like you look good, so will everyone else. Nothing says Valentine’s Day like self-confidence!

Love in your Life

You don’t have to just celebrate having a boyfriend or girlfriend. You have roommates, best friends, moms, and dads and more who love you even more than you could imagine. Go celebrate the holiday with the people who mean the most to you!


Valentine’s Day is a holiday dedicated to celebrating the love you share with another, and therefore here’s my relationship plug. Girls love Valentine’s Day.  She may blow it off with a “psh, whatever”, but deep down she’s really hoping for a nice card and dinner. So just do it—I promise it won’t hurt. And chances are, you’ll end up having a great time together and maybe exchange an “I love you” …and/or a make-out session.

It’s Just Cute

To me, there is something just magical about Valentine’s Day. It’s not about finding a date or wishing that you have one. It’s celebrating love you share for all the meaningful people in your life.  I want to feel the “love in the air” as I walk through campus and envision little cupids floating above everyone’s head. Maybe that’s a little too far, but still, I will continue to defend Valentine’s Day with my whole heart.


Photo courtesy of Wikicommons

About Jillian Putnam 34 Articles
Jillian is senior graduating in 2014 with a double major in English and Anthropology and a member of Alpha Chi Omega. She has a passion for travel and culture, hoping to pursue a career with National Geographic one day. Until then, she enjoys writing, cooking, and playing with her hedgehog. Contact her at, @JillianPutnam .

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