On Mar. 15 Euphonics hosted their annual “Plugged In” concert (formerly known as Unplugged). Tickets ran for three dollars and the event was held in Upper Baldwin with roughly 120 people in attendance.
The show started off with Euphonics premiering a song that would be showcased at their spring concert, “Put Your Records On” originally by artist Corrine Bailey Rae.
Though Euphonics is an acapella group, not all of the songs were accapella for this concert. On certain songs such as “Banana Pancakes” by artist Jack Johnson, guitarists accompanied the singers. The guitarists were either Andrew White or Michael Woodward.
A performance to highlight was “Hey Ya” by artist OutKast sung by Jane Finkel and Brian Spencer. This song featured Finkel on the ukulele as well as singing with Spencer. Spencer told the crowd before the song started not to be afraid to join in with the music, advice that the audience took to heart as they snapped their fingers to the beat of the song, responding to the famous “What’s cooler than being ice cool?” question, and laughing throughout the song.
“This is just our fundraiser concert, our real concert is April 20” said Maxwell Henkel Monroe junior. “Our concert is around $4,000 I think, and everyone gets in for free so in order to do that we need to fundraise a bit.”
Part of the money comes from student senate but Euphonics needed to raise more.
“Tonight specifically was really fun,” said Henkel, who has been in the group for three years now. “Just the group as a whole, this is the most fun I’ve had on campus.”
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