Romney touched on issues of the current president, national debt, business and the economy. It was this last issue that Chris Blaker, Farmington Hills sophomore, who also attended the rally, was so impressed with.
“I think Romney has great ideas,” Blaker said. “He’s the only one who is consistent and I think he can turn the economy around, especially with his business experience. It was a great opportunity to hear him speak.”
While most of the Albion College students who attended the rally were thrilled at the prospect of having the opportunity to hear what the presidential candidate had to say, several students had a different outlook.
A Facebook event group attempting to organize a protest formed shortly after it was known that Romney would be speaking. While the actual protest event itself was unsuccessful, members of the organizing Facebook group still held strong opinions against the candidate.
Ted Thompson, Oak Park, IL. sophomore considered attending the protest. When asked why, Thompson responded, “To me, Mitt Romney represents a backwards way of thinking and I believe his leadership will cause America’s problems to grow.”
Although no Albion College students showed up to protest the event, a single demonstrator stood outside Caster Concepts, holding a sign that promoted Newt Gingrich and waving at passing cars.
Regardless of any harsh feelings against him, Romney went on to narrowly win the Michigan Republican Primary over Rick Santorum on Tuesday night. You can read that story here.
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