Thanks Albion Interfaith Ministries, some in the community of Albion have gotten a helping hand.
Albion Interfaith Ministries (AIM) is an organization comprised of 18 different churches and an independent board. Its goal is to benefit the city of Albion and assist those less fortunate and is entirely volunteer based.
Pastor Ramona Truss, director of Aim, said, “We (AIM) grant vouchers starting at $70 for those who can’t afford much. They just come in to the Goodwill store and can purchase things off of the vouchers. And those with money can purchase things at a cheap price,” Pastor Truss said. “There’s also a food pantry that works the same way.”
Student volunteers often find themselves coming to AIM’s store in downtown Albion to help reorganize and reduce some of the clutter that builds up.
“Albion College’s volunteers help keep me on track,” Pastor Truss said
Josh Eggen, Canton first-year, has taken an interest in the community service outlet. “I’ve been working with a representative of Albion, Sharon Frandsen, on helping AIM,” he said. “We’ve worked on approving a grant for the organization to purchase five new computers; their current systems are severely out of date.”
Small shortcomings such as old computers don’t slow the efforts.
“Albion College is instrumental on many occasions in assisting in volunteering services,” Pastor Truss said.
Volunteers in tow, Dan McQuown, Albion College chaplain, has also been driving force behind some of AIM’s major events. One such event was Community Service Day held at the beginning of the school year.
McQuown said, “There’s a lot of interest and potential for AIM; the program serves everyone.”
The group also utilizes state assistance and emergency assistance to help people with gas, light, and water bills.
“We’re really thankful for all the help we receive,” Pastor Truss said. “Volunteering is the secret of AIM; that’s why it’s lasted for 20 years. Albion College really helps to make it possible for AIM to do what it does.”
Photo courtesy of Daniel McQuown
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