Albion College promises that an undergraduate degree will be obtained in four years. Some people, however, would like to keep working with the school for a few more by becoming a student graduate trustee.
The two-year position on the Board of Trustees (BOT) gives a recent graduate the opportunity to work with the BOT as a representative of the current student body; applications for the position were available for the class of 2010 and were due by April 14.
“Graduate student trustees are able to provide very recent perspectives on the Albion student experience which is helpful during Board discussions,” said Sally Walker, vice president for student affairs and dean of students. “The graduate student trustees rotate off the board every two years to ensure representation by trustees who have a very current perspective on the Albion undergraduate experience.”
The duties and responsibilities of the student graduate trustees are the same as other members on the Board of Trustees. To ensure the student graduate trustee is representing the entire student body, all applicants are screened by student senate.
“Student senate screens applicants because it is the student body’s voice that needs to be represented through the recent student graduate trustee position,” said Angie Pryor, Holly senior and president of student senate. “Students are the ones that have the greatest sense of the changes that need to be made on campus, and the leaders of student senate are elected in order to represent their voice.”
From those applicants, three are selected to be interviewed by the Board of Trustees. The screening process consists of critical evaluation of each applicant. The senate cabinet looks at overall GPA, leadership positions held by a student and the required essay, as well as academic transcripts and student records.
“We are looking for improvements that can be made on campus and how the applicant would go about doing it,” Pryor said. “We also look for how each applicant would interact with the board, and for people that have been actively involved on campus and have a wide pool of experience with groups on campus that will need to be represented.”
Jen Toteff, 2009 alumna and current student graduate trustee, takes these concerns to mind when working with the BOT.
“I am more aware (than the Board of Trustees) of current opinions, views and issues affecting students and the campus as a whole,” Toteff said. “Ultimately, I try to determine what is going to be the best decision for Albion College and for maintaining the Albion College student experience, now and in the future.”
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