Students who returned to Baldwin Hall on Jan. 19 for the first full day of meals may have noticed that silverware had turned to plastic and plates to paper.
“I thought that it was something normal since I don’t always come here,” said Alexis Molnar, Dearborn junior.
The change was only temporary, however, according to Kirk Lang, dining service supervisor, due to a problem with a dishwasher.
“We had to turn the machine off due to a problem with the steam,” Lang said.
When the dishwasher was repaired around 2:15 p.m., the cafeteria returned to its normal use of plates and silverware. The appliance remained down for roughly 4 hours, according to Lang.
The switch from ceramic was not a part of Baldwin Hall’s movement to reduce its carbon footprint, an initiative that was stated in the Jan. 19 issue of the Albion Today.
Even though the change was temporary, at least one student preferred the use of disposable utensils.
“It’s sometimes nicer because you can throw anything away,” said Claire Sorensen, Bloomfield junior.
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