Month: December 2009

MIAA Men’s basketball preview
Adrian 2008 Record: 8-17 Vs. Albion: 1-2 The Bulldogs return only four players from last year, and have nine freshmen that comprise the 16-man squad. The Bulldogs […]

A ‘lovely’ conversation: Peter Jackson discusses upcoming film with colleges
On the set of Dreamworks Pictures “The Lovely Bones” with Oscar winning director Peter Jackson and Oscar nominee Saoirse Ronan. Released by Paramount Pictures, the film opens nationwide on January 15, 2010
Photo courtesy of Paramount Pictures

All that jazz-Java n Jazz hits the right notes
Java n jazz serves up fresh coffee and specialty drinks in downtown Albion.
Photo courtesy of Sandy Turay

Fundraiser Strikes Huge for Big Brothers Big Sisters
Students and their “little siblings” bowl at Country Lanes on Nov. 19 as part of the Big Brothers and Sisters fundraising event.
Photo courtesy of Andrea Barrett

Search is on — library offers free trials of databases
The library is currently offering several new full-text online databases on the library Web site, with free trials available until Dec. 8. According to Mike […]

Not home for the holidays-sports teams train over break
The Albion College Swim and Dive team train over Christmas break in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.
Photo courtesy of Emily Magyar