Ghosts, poltergeists and demons were the topic of discussion this past Tuesday at the Albion District Library.
Over 100 people showed up to the Naomi Lane room to hear the ghost stories of the Michigan Parahaunt Paranormal Research Investigative Team (Parahaunt). The team members of Parahaunt shared stories of their encounters as well as explained their research goals and the equipment they use in their research.
“Our goal is to prove the existence of an afterlife through scientific methods, experimentation, and research,” said Scott Hattis, founder and team leader of Parahaunt.
Hattis entered the practice 15 years ago after having moved into a house he believed was haunted. While living in the house he witnessed a 10-inch butcher knife lift off of the kitchen stove and fly toward him, dropping two inches before it hit would have hit his chest. Hattis is now an ordained, non-denominational minister and demonologist.
“(We) try to discover the life beyond death,” said Amy Gridley, researcher and demonologist.
Gridley and the team shared some of the mechanical equipment they use to detect, record, and sense entities. Some of the equipment they use includes E.M.F. meters, cameras, motion sensors, night vision goggles, infrared cameras and no contact thermometers.
“(Parahaunt) is really the best at doing library presentations,” said Cindy Stanczak, Adult and Teen Services Librarian.
According to Stanczak, the library recruited the group in the spirit of Halloween.
“I think it was our own personal haunting, having two of our coffee machines not work out of the blue,” Stanczak said. “I think everyone really enjoyed it.”
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