Are you tired of reading two week old news? Do you find yourself frustrated trying to fold up large, floppy pages of paper? Are you sick of seeing old newspapers lying around Baldwin or in your Friday morning classrooms?
Hi, Kyle Gillis here, and I’m here to tell you about the new online Pleiad. For no cost at all, you can log online and read about all the news that’s going on around campus.
The secret to the new online Pleiad is the quicker pace of publication and the different multimedia facets we’ll be using to deliver news to the Albion College community in a creative, informative way. What used to be black and white text with a page or two of colored pictures now is an entire Web site full of stories, videos, podcasts, and live blogs.
Visit the Pleiad Web site now and you’ll be able to vote in an interactive poll, send us photos for online contests, and suggest ideas for unique videos for our ‘fifteen seconds of fame’ feature.
But wait, there’s more. If you visit the Web site in the next few minutes and want to voice your opinion about our stories, you can do so by simply commenting at the bottom of the stories. No more dropping cryptic letters in editors’ KC boxes and hoping that they get published. Now you can post your comment and it’ll show up right on the website for all other readers to see.
If you’d like to be updated when the Pleiad publishes new stories, subscribe to our Facebook page or Twitter page @PleiadOnline.
No more loose pages or overflowing newsstands. Try the new Pleiad for free and if you don’t like it, let us know what we can do to make you like it.
I’m a little confused by the selection of topics across the top. What is “lead”? The RSS feed amalgamates all posts, right? So I just need to watch that..?
When do we get video clips to watch? 🙂
First, The Pleiad has always been free, so that’s kind of a silly advertisement.
Second, I don’t think the previous Pleiad should be put down so hard. People worked hard on those print editions.
I LOVE that The Pleiad is online! FINALLY! I hope someone is willing to take over the fifteen seconds of fame! That’s a must. Also, it’s Web site! Sorry, Kyle. I had to! Good luck this semester, guys!
It’s great that the Pleiad is online at last. Now the Alums can find out what’s happening on campus and what current students are thinking. Make them proud!
Prospective students will also be able to see what life at Albion is like. It may be a huge factor in their choice of college.
Congratulations on your recent awards.