Jackie Rollin
Hometown: Waterford, Mich.
Major/Minor/Concentration(s): English and psychology double major, concentration in neuroscience.
Involvements on campus: Union Board, Albion Review, Writing Center, Honors Institute, Psi Chi, Sigma Tau Delta, Omicron Delta Kappa, Mortar Board.
“Over the past four years, Albion has allowed me numerous opportunities to both succeed and have fun,” Rollin said. “It would be an honor to be elected to this position and represent Albion as homecoming queen.”
Dan Zech
Hometown: Rochester Hills, Mich.
Major/Minor/Concentration(s): Economics and management major, concentration in the Carl A. Gerstacker Liberal Arts Institute for Professional Management.
Involvements on campus: Captain on the Albion College baseball team, vice president of Sigma Nu Fraternity, mentor for Jessie’s Gift Community Outreach program (at Harrington Elementary), member of Albion College Investment Club, member of the Albion College Accounting Society, member of the Omicron Delta Epsilon Honor Society for Economics.
“I think all of the people on court would be great ambassadors for Albion College in the surrounding community and in their hometown(s), but I’d like to win so I could have the opportunity to put the distinction to good use and put Albion in a good light with all of the people I interact with,” Zech said. “I feel like the more involved on campus one becomes, the more enriching their college experience becomes, and I think my activities outside of the classroom are a good example of that.”
Deondra Jacobs
Hometown: Nassau, Bahamas
Major/Minor/Concentration(s): Psychology and ethnic studies double major.
Involvements on campus: Black Student Alliance, Sigma Alpha Iota, United Voices of Albion College, African Caribbean Student Union, Psi Chi, Mortar Board, senior resident assistant of Wesley Hall, Kids at Hope Youth Development Center.
“I believe that I should win because I have explored what it means to be a true ‘Albion College student’,” Jacobs said. “I believe that because of my involvement in campus activities and my personable attitude, I have been able to truly understand and interact with my fellow Albion College students and Albion community. I think that I have truly taken full advantage of the Albion College experience and I think that if I were to win I would be able to show current and future students of Albion College an example of the true opportunities available at this great institution.”
Brandan Walters
Hometown: Blissfield, Mich.
Major/Minor/Concentration(s): Physics major.
Involvements on campus: Union Board, Prentiss M. Brown Honors Institute, Sleight Student Service Group, Sleight Fellows Program, Albion College admission tour guide coordinator, DASP coordinator, Service for Access Initiative Member.
“I’m pretty active on campus and try to support the Albion community on several levels,” Walters said. “While doing so, I’ve met a lot of fantastic individuals who do the same thing in many different ways. If they agree that I’ve been contributing in an effective and sincere way, I should win.”
Annie Gawkowski
Hometown: Muskegon, Mich.
Major/Minor/Concentration(s): Political science major, philosophy minor, concentrations in the Gerald R. Ford Institute for Public Policy and Service and Law, Justice and Society.
Involvements on campus: Alpha Chi Omega president, Albion College Euphonics — music director, Gerald R. Ford Institute for Public Policy and Service, Order of Omega, Alpha Lambda Delta.
“I’m not 100 percent sure that I should win, but I do feel that I accurately represent a true Albion student — always thinking, and always busy,” Gawkowski said. “I have had the most rewarding and unique college experience due to the many opportunities that Albion has given me both academically and otherwise. Albion breeds a special student, one with strong academic interest and a heart for service and activity. In these last four years, I have truly become one of those people and I have Albion College to thank. If I do win, representing Albion as Homecoming Queen would be an incredible honor.”
Charles Green
Hometown: Chattanooga, Tenn.
Major/Minor/Concentration(s): Political science and economics and management majors, concentrations in Gerald R. Ford Institute for Public Policy and Carl A. Gerstacker Liberal Arts Institute for Professional Management.
Involvements on campus: Black Student Alliance, Umbrella Group, football, track and field.
“I am honored to be nominated for Homecoming King,” Green said. “For four years I have gained from the resources that Albion College has offered to each of its students. I have willingly and proudly served on the Albion College football team, track and field, Black Student Alliance and Umbrella Group; tutored; and participated in Community Outreach. Albion is my ‘home’ away from home and being nominated for Homecoming King will be an honor that I shall never forget.”
Emilee Goralski
Hometown: Rochester, Mich.
Major/Minor/Concentration(s): Math major, concentration in elementary education.
Involvements on campus: Alpha Xi Delta president, varsity volleyball team captain, Order of Omega, Gamma Sigma Alpha, Harrington Elementary mentor.
“It is an honor to be recognized for the hard work and dedication that I have put into the different organizations I am involved in,” Goralski said. “My experiences at Albion have been wonderful and have definitely molded me into the leader that I am. I hope that other students can see how rewarding it is to get involved in activities outside of academics at Albion.”
Mark Anthony Arceno
Hometown: Southfield, Mich.
Major/Minor/Concentration(s): French and international studies (Africa) double major, concentrations in ethnic studies and Gerald R. Ford Institute for Public Policy.
Involvements on campus: Umbrella Group, Catholic Connections, Albion College Model U.N., Albionian (yearbook), Asian Awareness Group, Omicron Delta Kappa, Chapel, Bridge Spiritual Life Team, Smooth Transitions, Gerald R. Ford Institute for Public Policy, Prentiss M. Honors Institute, Albion College admissions tour guide.
“I should win because of my involvement on and throughout campus, as well as my dedication to the college and city community,” Arceño said.
Nicko Maisano
Hometown: Clinton Township, Mich.
Major/Minor/Concentration(s): Economics and management and Spanish double major, philosophy minor, concentration in Carl A. Gerstacker Liberal Arts Institute for Professional Management.
Involvements on campus: Delta Sigma Phi, Carl A. Gerstacker Liberal Arts Institute for Professional Management., Accounting Society, VITA, Alpha Xi Delta, Nwagni Project, tennis, two on-campus jobs, Harrington Elementary mentor.
“I should be Homecoming King because I feel that I represent the typical Albion College student on the campus well, in the community and around the world,” Maisano said.
Danni Wysocki
Hometown: Northville, Mich.
Major/Minor/Concentration(s): English major, journalism minor.
Involvements on campus: Alpha Chi Omega, the Pleiad, Alpha Phi Omega, Best Buddies, Sigma Tau Delta, Harrington Elementary mentor.
“Albion is a family thing to me,” Wysocki said. “My younger sister is a freshman, and my older sister was on court in 2007. Albion means a lot to me, and I feel that I am a good representation because of the diverse organizations that I am involved in and the dedication I have shown to the school.”
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