My favorite moment from the regular season was beating Hope. Beating the Dutch is always one of our goals going into the season. In the four years that I have been here, we have been fortunate enough to beat them four times, which is more than a lot of players in the MIAA can say.
Since they beat us pretty handily when we played them the first time in Holland, Mich., we knew we would have to have two great days of practice (which we did). I thought the Hope game was one of our best because we faced a lot of adversity going into that game as well as during the game. We were a little shorthanded up-front with Drew Yancey, Okemos senior and David Bunn, Lansing senior, being out, but we had a lot of guys such as Robbie Clark, Clarkston senior, and Corey Thelen, Lake Odessa senior, stepped up during that game. It was a nice win for us because we accomplished one of our goals that we set at the beginning of the year, and it helped us get closer to the top two spots in the league.
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